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These lotion bars are poured in beeswax containers. When the lotion is gone, you will have a little trinket box. The size of the container is 3" wide by 2.25" tall. The lotion inside weights around 2.75oz. The cottonwood buds were infused in almond oil. Other ingredients are Montana Beeswax, Cocoa Butter, black cottonwood buds infused in almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, argon oil, Golden Jojoba oil, and rosehip oil, and vitamin E oil.


How to use,

  • Bars are lotion with NO harmful chemicals, synthetic E-waxes, or synthetic preservatives. There is no water added. Conventional Lotions are 90% water. A small amount of lotion bar goes a long way. Take your fingertip, and place it into the beeswax jar, pulling out a small amount. Place the lotion onto the area of your body that is needed. Your body temperature will melt the beeswax, butters, and oils absorbing into the skin. Rub into the skin to where it no longer feels greasy. If it feels greasy, you used to much. Beeswax locks in the butters and oils, leaving your skin feeling hydrated. It you seem to be sensitive to any of the ingredients, stop using. This lotion bar does contain tree resin from the Black Cottonwood tree. Do not store in a warm place, hot car, or near a heater. It may melt. I live in Montana and make these lotion bars for cold climates. If the lotion seems to be melting, you may have to store in the refrigerator.

Balm of Gilead - Black Cottonwood Lotion Bar 2.75oz. in Beeswax Container
